In the paraphrased words of the wise Ed Sheeran: "your brain is a dirty tap and it's going to flow shit water for a substantial amount of time, and then clean water is going to start flowing"

You need to clear your tap. Open a GDoc, start a spreadsheet. Type. Send an email ending with "thoughts?", call your friend and brain dump, talk to Claude.

Open another GDoc. Clear your mental cache. Apple Notes. Whiteboard. Find many mediums of choice.

Ask your friends what's not stupid. Ask Claude what's not stupid. Ask Claude what is stupid.

Now and then shit will re-enter the tap. That's okay. Be one with the bad ideas. Understand them.

High-entropy ideation is just your brain doing its job - throwing random shit at the wall until something sticks. The noise isn't a bug, it's the feature. Your mind needs to get messy to find the good stuff hiding in corners your logical brain wouldn't touch.

Each tool is another brain thread running in parallel. Docs process the raw stuff, conversations filter it, notes catch nuggets, AI remixes the output. It's all just different pipes handling different kinds of mental sewage until the clear ideas start flowing.

Keep the pipes flowing. Let entropy do its work. Keep the threads running. Let the system process.