🧑💻 Product-Related from January 2025
username Sat, Feb 01, 2025
🎙 Podcasts
- Lenny's Podcast | Linear’s secret to building beloved B2B products
- The Pragmatic Engineer | Linear: move fast with little process (with first Engineering Manager Sabin Roman)
- Decoder with Nilay Patel | How The Onion is saving itself from the digital media death spiral
- Decoder with Nilay Patel | The impossible dream of good workplace software
- Hackers Incorporated | Building the HEY Calendar with Jason Fried
- Startups are hard | #7: топ-задача тижня
- Startups are hard | #9: I hate story-points
- Startups are hard | Як вимірювати продукт
- Startups are hard | Люди найбільший блокер
- Startups are hard | У будь якого продукта є дві проблеми: retention та acquisition
- Startups are hard | Топ-3 проблем користувачів на Джині
- Startups are hard | Плани по продукту і побудова команди
- Startups are hard | So long, and thanks for the fish..
- Startups are hard | Power of open platforms 🐳🦋
- Startups are hard | Шопенгауєр, Deutche Bahn і Енді Гроув
- Startups are hard | Дві поради про планування
- Startups are hard | Hire when it hurts
- Startups are hard | 34: Don't try too hard
- Startups are hard | #23: Технічний борг треба повертати
- Startups are hard | #19: Як виглядає версія цієї фічі, яку можна зробити за день?
- Startups are hard | Q&A про Джин та стартапи
- Startups are hard | #16: Зроби успішний стартап та отримай технічний борг у подарунок
- Startups are hard | #15: Culture fit
- Decoder with Nilay Patel | Why CEO Matt Garman is willing to bet AWS on AI
- The Ezra Klein Show | Burned Out? Start Here.
- The Ezra Klein Show | Why Adults Lose the 'Beginner’s Mind'
🎥 Videos
- Inside Linear: Building with taste, craft, and focus | Karri Saarinen (co-founder, designer, CEO)
- How I Built A $30M Business Without A VC | David Heinemeier Hansson
- The Business Strategies Behind Chick-fil-A, Costco, Starbucks and More | WSJ The Economics Of
- Why Airlines Can’t Survive Without Loyalty Programs | WSJ Case Study
- Product Masterclass | Bob Moesta - Jobs-to-be-Done Find Out the Why!
- Product Masterclass | Kristina - From Startup to Scale-Up: How We Build and Scale AI Product Teams at Ailylabs
- 37signals | Seven Shipping Principles – REWORK
- 37signals | Hire When It Hurts – REWORK
- How to become a supermanager with AI - by Hilary Gridley
📖 Articles