Think about your wife & kids.
I have a wife.
I have children.
I haven’t met them yet, but I know they exist in the future, and they’re counting on me today.
It’s easy to do dumb things when you only answer to yourself. It’s easy to be ruled by emotions and become distracted by the world. But now I’ve realized that it’s much harder to indulge in such impulses when you’re responsible for someone else
Here’s the thing I’ve learned about responsibility: it’s burdensome and empowering. It’s like carrying a backpack up a mountain. There’s more weight on your shoulders, but you also have everything you need to reach the top. It guides you and becomes your source of strength.
The future life I want to have – family, wife, career, and relationships – is my source of strength. I choose to work hard for them. God knows I’m far from ready. I’m a work-in-progress. But that’s okay because it keeps me striving.
Every action you take is a vote for the life you want to have. Would your future self thank you for the choices you’re making?