Lacasse St (written 09/20/2022)
Lacasse St is a main street in an English-Portuguese port city off the coast. it's the main commercial and hospitality district in the city, and is known for its significant nightlife.
Lacasse St is the center of the port city in a microstate off the northeast of North America.
People tend to go to this port city to escape the rush of regular life, that being the always on the go nature of American life. due to people going there to enjoy life, they often get stuck in nightlife because it's so easy there.
Lacasse St is an infectious street to be on due to its significant nightlife, and young drinking age. people move there for school and find reasons to stay to continue enjoying life. Entire lives get merged just to fit Lacasse St on their schedule. People who grew up in the microstate tend to gravitate toward here as well, and most of these people never leave the city.
At the south end of the city is the intersection where the younger people, or people fresh to the nightlife tend to go, Enoteca Boul. this is the rowdiest part of the city, especially around Sao Paolo Avene.
When people say they get tired of Lacasse St they mean here. When people get older and decide to slow down, or decide to find something niche, they move up to the restaurants and clubs on Bellview Avenue.
People party until late and spend 4, 5, 6am in houses on the surrounding streets. they stay up doing drugs, having conversations they think are intelligent, goofing, and become zombies.
There are some people who don't party in this microstate. People looking to get out of the nightlife look at those peoples' lives as fascinating lives of mystery. but the people who ignore the nightlife tend to do better overall.
An important city has to have more than one thing as a draw. This is also a city with may moving parts. We don't know what they are.
Your ability to be productive in this city depends on how far you can escape the pull of Lacasse St.
On some weeks of the year parts of Lacasse St close down to traffic. on those days the amount of people and stimuli makes nights a blur.
Lacasse St can be looked at as its own particular monster, the uncaring monster of nightlife, ready to swallow people in like a tsunami. It creates zombies out of men.