Cameron King
Cameron J W King
Born and based in Oxford, UK
Who inspires you, and why?
A simple answer would perhaps be a list of remarkable people who have inspired me in my life, but fuck simple. I find inspiration from everyone, it sounds generic but think about it. Everyone has a story. Everyone can offer a new perspective. Everyone can inspire you whether you like them or not. Find inspiration from the bad. Find inspiration from the good. However, those I find the most inspiring are the unapologetic creatives who are paving there own path and ultimately not giving a fuck about what society deems normal. I'm inspired by the future and change. LIFE IS 2 SHORT - be inspired by life and it's misfits://
What's your main life goal?
My main goal is to be the best version of myself. Whether that be physically, artistically, mentally (or spiritually) my aim is to never stand still. Constantly evolve and accept 'Socratic Wisdom' - 1 know nothing and that's ok - life is a journey. Alongside this, I think being as authentic as I can is a goal of mine. It's a very difficult objective in a world that is full of pressure and artificial nonsense. Keeping it real is what I want and I know this is something that requires a constant grounding and understanding that I am blessed and extremely lucky compared to so many. Also, I want to achieve great artistic endeavours, whether that be from acting, writing or music - my goal to always be better is what gets me up in the morning. I'm no preacher but I preach...
In your opinion, is life fair?
In short, no, of course life is not fair. There are many barriers and inequalities across every space in society. However, the excuse of 'life isn't fair' is something I try and refrain from using. Obviously, to some I am privileged and even to be able to do this interview, I am using a mobile phone etc which makes me very lucky. However, especially in the Uk, I believe you can do well if you work hard, never quit and strive for a better life. If life was fair, life would be boring. The struggle and the grind is what makes it worth doing. To be golden spoon fed in theory is great, but in reality is a tedious existence that makes it more challenging to find true purpose and be grateful for a authentic success story. Life isn't fair. Accept it and make your mark - wherever you stand.
Of course. So what's the greatest reward in life?
purpose, peace and love. ☮️
If you were God, what is the one thing you would change right now?
That's an interesting question and one I cannot answer properly. I am not worthy of being a god for I am human. Though as humans, we can as a collective make fundamental change that can be deemed 'godly'. Thus, I believe Everyone should have opportunity and access to health care, every kid should be able to express themselves and not be boxed in for a mundane and meaningless existence. in order to make a better society for EVERYONE - we must listen and grow. We have the power to make change. We are CHANGE.
What's your biggest challenge in life, and how do you overcome it?
My biggest challenge currently is finding time to create things that I am genuinely happy and invested in. I find myself being busy and starting but not finishing projects that are outside from acting. I want to create a platform and produce, evoke change and ultimately make art whatever that entails. In addition to this, I am learning to become even more focussed and disciplined so I complete my artistic endeavours and realise that art isn't for anyone, it's for you. It sounds selfish but in truth, if you are trying to create and produce anything in life without purity and passion, it's not true art. Speak your truth, forget the noise and always move forward.
Finally, what is your greatest life advice?
Discipline is freedom.
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