[how to] write an interview follow up note
A follow up note (NOT a thank you note) can help you stand out in an interview process. Trust me, most candidates aren't sending them.
📌 Keep it brief, to the point, relevant, and thoughtful. This will demonstrate that you are thinking critically about the problem set, you're enthusiastic and engaged, and that you've done your homework beyond consulting chatgpt.
Steps to follow:
During the interview, take note of things the interviewer seems particularly interested in or passionate about
Immediately after the interview, reflect on those things as well as things you maybe didn't get to speak to but wish you had
A few hours after the interview, send the interviewer an email using the following format:
Subject Line: Some additional thoughts | Following up from our call (etc)
Thanks again for your time today - I know you're busy. I had a few additional thoughts after we spoke -
- Thought 1
- Thought 2
Looking forward to continuing the interview process, and hope to speak again soon.
Best, NAME porfolio/website/linkedin link
💡 Here are some ideas for the types of thoughts/reflections you can include:
- an additional solution or concept for a hypothetical problem posed during the interview
- an idea of something you'd be excited to tackle or learn more about once you got into the role
- some additional thoughts on a question you were asked but needed a bit more time to process
- a reflection on a recent article or feature release from the company relevant to the role you're interested in