the world is full of endless possibilities to do cool things.

in many cases, the limiting factor is yourself.

writing a blog, starting a podcast, beginning a YouTube channel, traveling to a remote country, writing a blog, moving to a new city, founding a company — these are just a few things we see friends, colleagues, and strangers doing across social media every single day.

…and oftentimes we like, share, or bookmark these things because we admire them.

yet for some reason, we don’t do them ourselves.

“crazy” ideas are often ascribed this label because they are uncommon, when in fact, the BEST ideas often lie in the things that very few people are doing.

the truth is, anyone can do cool things. the world is full of endless possibilities, the limiting factor is simply yourself.

try new things — even if they are uncommon — and see where it takes you.

@itsmechase on X