after you blocked me, the first thing i did was laugh, knowing deep inside that in the following days i would be reflecting about it and i would try to reach a conclusion. have y'all ever heard people say "if you broken up with that person without being anything official, there's always a second part" or saying that a lot of people get back with their exes? that just lights up the delusional fire within the heartbroken person, meanwhile the truth is way different, but they rather keeping you on delusion because the come down hits too hard, so they try to soften it. after you blocked me, i can't help but think about all the time, money (a way to show love), and effort i put on you and your circle. it's unbelievably unfair in my opinion, and meanwhile half of me wants to think you're gonna realize about what you lost after a few months because you're just denying your feelings but they always catch up, my other half just wants to let you go, get you out of my head forever, because it knows you're not gonna come back and nothing from my unfairness related to you is ever gonna be given back as fairness in any way. you're gone. you don't care about me, i was a moment and it's past. you were something special to me, so special that i imagined a version of yourself that i fell in love with.

at the end of the day love is unfair, as well as life. it's all connected: we're born instinctively loving our parents, so the first thing we know is what's love, and we die loving some people we've met along the way. believe it or not, hate it or not, we live to love. it might not be the best because love hurts sometimes, but it's a fact.

will this unfairness ever stop and i will get something to compensate it? will you ever come back? will the concept I made up of you ever turn to reality? will the next man or woman of yours know your story with me? what will you tell them? why are you so strict with not wanting anything to do with me, when i did nothing wrong but "doing too much"? I'd like to think every question is gonna turn on my side. reality is, this unfairness doesn't seem to stop any sooner, you will never come back, the concept i made is gonna stay as just a concept, you're not gonna talk about me to any new people you meet (probably because you've already forgotten about me at that time), if they find out about me you're gonna turn the story to your side, and you're strict with me because i was just a moment and it already passed, you moved on and you don't want anything to do with me. ungrateful and unfair, but that's reality.

it sounds corny, pessimistic and maybe cruel, but that's what reality is. i just gotta move on, i like to think there's better things to come but reality is hard to fight sometimes.