The only person who is living your life is you. Make sure you act like it.

I will repeat:

The only PERSON who is living your life is you!

This statement is both factually accurate and true in all senses. You must understand that the only person who has to wake up every morning and carry out your day is you. It’s your life—not shared, not borrowed, not anyone else’s. It is solely yours to live.

People may fit into your life in various roles. They may be partners, parents, friends, or any other trusted individuals. But they are not the ones living your life. They are living their own. Do not get caught up letting others have power over the path your life takes.

Ask yourself:

For many years, I allowed others to cloud my judgment of what my life should be and where I should go.

This was a mistake. It led to a lot of unhappiness.

However, this is not to say that simply choosing your path in life will:

What I’m trying to emphasise is that you still have to put in a lot of work, and you will face failures.

Those who advised against your choices will likely focus on these failures.

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by them. Failure is part of the journey.

I repeat:

Failure is part of the journey!

Here is one inalienable truth: It is better to fail at a path you truly believe is right for you than to stumble through life on a path you were pushed down. That is not living; it is merely existing.

If I can offer some advice from my 25 years so far:

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P.S.: Day 11 of writing on article dot app

Today’s Thought:

Take care of your body as well as your mind, I went for some physio therapy today and hit up the sauna, I feel much better for it.