A Reflection on “Hello World”
I remember writing my first "Hello World" while studying computer science at school.
Each time I start a new account I write a "Hello World" post.
My mind is cast back to that first time I wrote code and saw those words on the screen: "Hello, World."
It fills me with a little excitement about what could come next.
That moment was transformative.
It wasn’t just about learning to code—it was the first time I realised that code could create something new.
For the first time, I understood that the power to build, to innovate, and to explore the unknown was within my grasp. Although I didn’t pursue a career in coding, this realisation shaped me in profound ways. My fascination with crypto, for example, could be traced back to that moment.
Every significant journey I’ve embarked on has started with an innocent, unassuming "Hello World" moment, followed by a commitment to better myself.
This post marks the start of a new daily writing journey—a chance to reflect, share, and see where this path leads. There are projects I’ve been quietly building for years, ideas I’ve yet to share, and perhaps even new ventures waiting to find me in the process of writing daily. Writing has always been an on-and-off habit for me, but this time, I want to stick with it.
Recently, I was doom-scrolling Twitter and came across a tweet by Dylan Abruscato. He thanked @jsngr for inspiring him to write, saying, "Thanks to @jsngr for being the forcing function that got me to write it. Link below!"
That tweet led me to Dylan’s post on how to go viral.
It reminded me of something i've strayed from, you can hustle any scenario whether it's going viral or otherwise, just start doing. It’s not about getting it perfect every time. It’s about showing up, putting in the work, and moving the needle forward, day by day.
Exploring Dylan’s content also led me to discover other writers who are building and creating, many of them in the crypto space—a world I’m deeply connected to.
Crypto has allowed me to build companies, live life on my own terms, and invest in ideas that excite me. It’s arguably my profession, though defining exactly what I do is tricky. Solo-preneur, writer, artist, crypto investor, startup investor, middleman, problem solver—these labels all fit in some way. Crypto has been the foundation for all of it, and I’m grateful for how it’s shaped my journey.
So why am I writing this post?
I’m not entirely sure, and that’s the beauty of it.
This post is a starting point, a “Hello World” for this new chapter. It could lead to sharing more about my ongoing projects, or maybe a new project will find me through this daily writing habit. Either way, I’m excited about what’s to come—and I hope you’ll join me on this journey.
@HarryGbc https://x.com/HarryGbc
Ps //: Thanks Jordan Singer @jsngr for creating this platform, I love its simplicity.