will meat space become cool again?
(meat space is physical world)
if you're anything like me and spend time online, you'll have noticed the growing consensus that ai is coming for the jobs of many in a much shorter time period - as soon as this year. funnily enough (in a weird way?), all the "educated" people who like to provide services.
so much doom and gloom on this topic but who's talking about how (potentially) cool this is going to make the physical world?
if there's nothing to do online because ai has taken over all our jobs (the ones that are in digital space, not meat space), then this could mean a couple of different things (random thoughts)
people who were never good with their hands start to think about how to use them. maybe they do a trade, build a home, think about gardens, how transport can be improved, improving public spaces. cost of these services also go down meaningfully which allows people to build more beautifully.
social media is taken over by digital avatars, a large part of the population now find it boring and start to leave their devices at home. you don't need to take a photo of you and your friends at the restaurant because ai can do that, so instead you just go and enjoy the company of your friends.
people only travel to places they actually enjoy going to, instead of going to the place that is trending online (so they can take their photos). because they enjoy it, they are more present (maybe?)
there's a tonne more here but will leave it for another time.
ps my X is @harro_sc - reach out to critique or chat