A friend recommended that I read Packy McCormick's The Return of Magic yesterday.

After reading, I texted her saying, "Packy sounds like the main character in a matrix remake trying to tell the world we’re in a simulation." If you read it, you'll probably get similar vibes. It's not a very skimmable piece, but it's extremely fun to read with suspended disbelief.

I won't summarize the post, so go read it if you haven't already. But one of the points I resonated with was his idea of a collective consciousness.

Maybe the most famous example is the Roger Bannister 4 minute mile story. It was a time people previously thought to be impossible even by top runners. However, once he broke it, a slew of other top runners soon broke it too. It's like there was an invisible wall there, and once he broke the wall, other people could easily walk through.

I have many personal anecdotes as well.

One notable one is this idea of "having the same childhood" that's been making the rounds on TikTok/Reels. For example, I thought I was the only one who would make potions out of household items, but I guess that's a universal experience.

So maybe Packy's right. Our epiphanies or imaginations are inextricably linked into a collective consciousness, waiting for someone to make a new connection so that the rest of us can follow suit. As Issac Newton said, we are all "standing on the shoulders of giants."

Find more of my thoughts on Twitter (@ethanweii).