tech - design - product
Before I begin, I should disclaim that I’m not an expert at any of the words placed in the title (tech, design and product). This is just an exploration my mind stumbled upon after I woke up around 3 am.
One thing about me is that I have a lot of ideas and I seemingly never run out of them. Some of my ideas are tech-related, and some are just general creative ideas. However I never seem to execute any or most of them, and I think that’s largely due to my technical incapabilities to turn these ideas into a reality. In thinking about this challenge of execution I came to understand something I call "the levels of my ideas" (still a working title, bear with me). I have come to realize that every idea that sparks within me has to pass through three levels before it becomes a reality.
- Tech
- Design
- Product
NB- I realize that these levels have intricate tasks attached to their execution but that's not my focus.
'Tech' is the first level, and this poses at least what I think is the main question behind any piece of technology: "What is the main innovation?”. This is answered by exploring two paths- creating something entirely new or fitting existing innovations into new contexts to create something new.
An example of the first path would be if someone suddenly invented a teleportation device. while an example of the second path would be a product like Uber which leverages existing innovations like cars, phones and apps to create something new- a service that connects riders and passengers.
(every new idea built is based on an existing idea, but that doesn’t mean something new hasn’t been created).
Once the path of innovation has been settled, the technicalities of building the tech begin. This is the phase where my technical inability shines since I don't know how to code, nor do I know how to create algorithms and whatnot.
'Design' is the second level and to a degree, I agree that design is synonymous with accessibility- at least in tech and innovation because any new tech is useless if it can’t be utilized to serve its purpose, and this is where design comes in.
A basic design should make the tech usable, a good design should make the experience of using the tech delightful, and a great design pushes beyond usability and delight.
The last level is 'product'. This I believe is the physical (or virtual) manifestation of the idea to the users. It is the accumulation of the first two levels and I hope my ideas get to this level someday.